The pattern of theUPSC Civil Services Exam 2024(Mains) is given below. Any changes in the exam pattern or syllabus of the upcoming UPSC Mains exam will be updated here after the release of the notification. Important dates related to the UPSC CS 2024 examinations are as follows: ...
Howtoexam is the knowledge trading engine, providing information to those who need it, and real rewards to those with information to share.Entrance Exam Paperprevious year question paper of entrance exams UGC NET question papers UPSC IFSE examination question papers UPSC engineering services ...
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According to data collected above, we have selected these subjects as the top 10 UPSC Optional Subjects. This is after considering the success rate of all the subjects, the most opted UPSC subjects and lastly the syllabus overlap. SubjectsSyallbus ...
UPSC Question Papers for IAS ExamHow to choose a Civil Service ?One should always opt for the UPSC service preferences in the order of their interest. The candidate should specify the most favorite services at the beginning, followed by the other less preferred ones. The order of UPSC service...
The English subject of the UPSC CDS Recruitment exam consists of 120 questions worth 100 marks. The total time to attempt this section is 2 hours. This gives you less than one minute to answer each question. As a result, you must be well-versed with the best CDS 2023 Preparation Strategy...
To get into the IAS, you will have to give the “UPSC held Civil Services Examination”. It is a common exam for getting into the IAS, IPS etc. To succeed in the “Civil Services Examination” you first need to understand how the examination is conducted or the “examination format”!
Want to learn things faster? Here is how you can learn anything 5 times faster and better.Share If you’re preparing for the UPSC exam, you must be working hard to crack India’s most challenging exam, where a whopping 10 lakh students attempt every year to become the next batch of ...
How to Read Newspaper for UPSC Exam?. Get 10 tips to read the newspaper for the IAS exam. The most recommended newspaper for the IAS exam is ' The Hindu '. For UPSC 2023 preparation, follow BYJU'S
Today, we are going to share the success story of All India 7th rank holder Samyak Jain who is a true inspiration to all the candidates aspiring to secure the top rank in the UPSC CSE exam. This year Samyak Jain bagged the All India 7th rank in t...