All the updates related to UPSC 2024 exam, will be notified here for candidates’ reference. Detailed Application Form-II (DAF II) will be released post the Civil Services Mains Result. ThisUPSC DAFhas to be filled by the candidates who qualify the personality test. ...
Know more about UPSC 2023 How to prepare for UPSC: Importance of a robust Study Plan for UPSC Once you get a full idea about the UPSC exam pattern and syllabus, then the next important part will be how to prepare for the exam without coaching. The candidates should understand that the co...
Working according to a study time table for UPSC exam also increases your productivity. Since your studies are streamlined, confusion doesn’t prevail and your efficiency improves. When you study according to a schedule you will find that you get more time on your hands. Since you would have ...
The English subject of the UPSC CDS Recruitment exam consists of 120 questions worth 100 marks. The total time to attempt this section is 2 hours. This gives you less than one minute to answer each question. As a result, you must be well-versed with the best CDS 2023 Preparation Strategy...
While preparing for the UPSC exam, use all five senses in your preparation. It will help you understand things better and ensure easy and fast learning. For example, when you’re writing in a notebook, you are using your ability to touch and see. Study by speaking includes your speaking ...
How to Prepare Notes for UPSC in Hindi Upsc Exam Preparation Material Buy UPSC Notes Making notes is essential for the preparation of Civil Services examination and there are several reasons to it; one, notes makes you to understand the given topic clearly. This is because you have to pick ...
However, it all depends on how much time you can spend every day on your optional subject. Even with the subjects of your liking, you need to prepare them for the exam. If you're basic concepts of any science or technical subject is clear, then go for it, else opt for a social sci...
Online Coaching for UPSC PRE Exam E-Books Download for UPSC IAS Exams General Studies Pre. Cum Mains Study Material Prelims Questions: Q.1) With reference to the National Startup Awards, consider the following statements: 1. The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) ...
NDA 1 2022: UPSC Answer Sheet PDF Form You can check below the recent NDA 1 paper and its answer key to prepare for exams: UPSC NDA 2022 Written Exam Pattern NDA exams consist of two sections: mathematics and general ability tests. Check below the duration and marks for each section: ...
Improve your concentration –Try to engage in activities that give you relief in between study sessions. Try to read a book or listen to music of your choice in between studying. Wrapping it up Whichever exam you are preparing for ranging from banking exams, UPSC and others, you have to se...