To Subject st: Re: st: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables? Date Sat, 23 May 2009 14:52:48 -0500Dear Rose, Test the suspected endogenous variables one at a time for endogeneity using the Durbin-Wu-Hausman test. You need to find instruments ...
In the realm of empirical analysis, dealing with the issue of endogeneity is like navigating through a treacherous maze. Among the various methods to solve this problem, let's take a look at some of them. First up is the fixed effects model. It's great for handling unobserved factors that...
Now I want to test the endogeneity of x2. I am not worried about x1 at this point. * * For searches and help try: * * * Prev...
In this paper, we discuss the use of instrumental variables (IVs) in business and marketing research, with a particular focus on its implementation in STATA. We discuss several pre- and postestimation tests that researchers can use to implement various versions of IVs in STATA, including two-...
We thank an anonymous reviewer for this clarification. Other sources of endogeneity, where firm-to-firm mobility is related to time-varying innovations in the wage equation, cannot be addressed with this type of empirical strategy. Structural estimation (see Rutz and Watson 2019) would help ...
Moreover, some of the research did not address the endogeneity problems caused by ignoring variables and reverse causation. With regard to this, this study aims to examine the impact of digital literacy on the health status of senior citizens at the micro-level by utilizing the multi-period ...
test a conceptual model with parent-subsidiary firm-level data for the period 2009 to 2017. We conclude that firms that are more sensitive to wage costs in their overseas subsidiaries were more likely to reshore. We did not find that more capital-intensive firms had a higher propensity to ...
Despite the Chinese government’s implementation of numerous policies aimed at promoting urbanization, the actual urbanization rate has not met expectations. Even when some rural migrants are presented with opportunities to convert to urban-hukou status,
We employ the Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test due to its capability to test unit roots of the unbalanced panel. As the means of all variables deviate from zero, we include the drift term in the ADF test. We use two lags to remove autoregressive components of the variables. As a robu...
(Tsai & Ghoshal,1998) encourages the distinction among social dimensions that aid or hinder the ability of a supplier to reap the benefits of CIC. Our study’s empirical setting is CIC in NPD projects of Chinese firms. We test theory using successive surveys of Chinese manufacturers in trading...