Before deciding to terminate someone, it’s crucial to ask yourself if the company has done everything it can to support that employee’s success. Whether seasoned veterans or fresh faces, employees need and deserve clear guidance, regular feedback, and the resources to improve. I firmly believ...
"It does not have to mean someone is fired." Instead, retraining, mediation or other avenues may be used to ensure the problematic behavior ends. 5. Consult With an Employment Attorney Unlike illegal harassment, workplace bullying can be a gray area in the law. However, if you don't ...
The timing of when you fire someone is important as well. As a general rule, firing someone earlier in the week tends to be better, as this gives them more weekdays where they can visit the unemployment office and search for new opportunities. Also, try to avoid firing employees right befo...
Being fired from a job might be more common than one expects. However, how employers see it still definitely could be an issue. One thing to understand is to be ready to take responsibility for the actions. Trying to hold someone else accountable definitely will go wrong. Talk about things ...
A recession:When the economy tanks, businesses have to adjust their spending—including payroll. Employee overlap:Sometimes jobs are cut when two people are doing the work of one person. Downsizing:Maybe a business has lost clients or revenue, and there are more employees than needed for the wo...
1. BE truthful.Employees should know exactly why they are being released from their job. Tell them the truth. People fill in blanks with inaccurate and bad news, so don’t leave room for doubt. Gross misconduct is gross misconduct, and poor performance is poor...
With so many people affected, mental health issues are likely to touch you or someone you know, whether in your personal life or in the workplace. As an employer who cares about your employees’ mental health and wellbeing, you may want toprovide mental health benefitsthat can help your te...
When another employer calls for a reference always remember how you would want your ex-boss to talk about you. I am not saying lie but emphasize the good points. All employees have good points. I once had an ex-employee tell me that “I would rather be fired by you than anyone”. I...
General Motors Corp., for instance, spent about $1,500 more in health services annually on obese employees compared to healthy ones. Since overweight issue is a touchy one, companies are advised to conduct wellness programs as all-inclusive that do not single out a particular individual.Gilliam...
“right away.” A support lexicon is like wearing your team’s colors. It signals, “This is who we are; this is how we do things.” When those values and beliefs are fostered at the start, it helps employees form an identity around these beliefs and behaviors, and remarkable service ...