Want to Learn More About Training the Goodest Boy or Girl? 8 Reasons Why Dogs Bark Your dog’s feelings or needs will determine the way they bark. Some common reasons that a dog will bark are: 1. They are saying hello. Some dogs get excited when they see other people or dogs and wi...
We then often pull on the leash in order to get them to stay close to us, especially if they are lunging. Both of these actions can make the situation worse, as again, we are showing our dog that the approach of another dog is a moment to be feared, and that can result in negati...
Make sure to find a delicate balance between our first tip (the quiet command) and unintentionally rewarding your dog for barking. When your dog barks excessively because they want something, it can be difficult not to just give in. You’ll have to teach your dog that barking isn’t the ...
#1: Dogs Act on Instinct and What’s Natural to ThemDog behavior such as barking, or aggression, or even restlessness can be attributed to a dog’s instinctual reactions, NOT just because they’re acting up. Same with other animals, dogs have natural instincts that are there to help them...
Keep in mind, you may have been the one who actually caused your dog’s barking in the first place … sogive your dog a little slack and be patientas you teach him new behaviors. Good luck! 5 minutes a day.Healthier Dog. Get important health plans from vets & experts. It’s natural...
Is your dog’s barking disruptive? Discover tips and tricks on how to stop your dog from barking and learn how to manage this behavior.
Learn how to teach boundaries to dogs just by saying NO. Calm, happy dogs come from dog owners who set boundaries and say no. Learn why here.
How to Stop Your Dog Barking at the Door (5 Steps) The following process uses desensitisation and counter-conditioning to teach a dog not to bark at the front door. These are powerful concepts in dog training. Once you understand them, they can be applied to a variety of behavioural probl...
Puppy barking serves many purposes, from greeting people to a form of self-defense. But, if your puppy's barking has become constant, it can be an annoyance. Barking can’t be totally eliminated as it is a natural behavior and a form of puppy communication, but you can teach your puppy...
PHOTO: The Bark It is truly amazing how dogs subtly and expectantly communicate with us. During my consultations, I see dogs trying frivolously to interconnect, using body language of course. Very often owners complain that dog bit us out of nowhere. But it’s NEVER out of nowhere. I refu...