Dog barking is healthy, however, a dog that incessantly barks is not healthy and is very stressful for you and your dog. How to stop a dog from barking is one of the most common questions I receive. To stop a dog from barking, just like with treating separation anxiety and many other ...
by Amber LaRock - Professional Dog Trainer How do you teach your dog to not bark at strangers? In this article, we’ll dive into the basics of teaching your dog how to mind their manners, and help you end this pesky canine habit for good!
It's no wonder people have barking problems with their dogs. Most dogs have no clue as to whether barking is something good or something bad. Sometimes when the dog barks, he is ignored (owner in a jolly mood). Other times, the dog is encouraged (owner sees suspicious stranger outside ...
Local dog training in Raleigh, NC. Let’s train your dog the right way: no gimmicks, no shortcuts, no e-collars, no prong collars, no intimidation! Understand what motivates your dog and how to shape his or her behavior through positive, reward-based tra
Helpful information about dog breeds, dog training, health, food, care, and many other dog tips. Because we all love dogs and they are our best friends!
Dear Fellow Dog Lover, Hi, I've always been a big believer in truth.There's so many people everyday trying to sell us products with huge promises isn't there? Promises often based on misleading advertising. Results fromreal peoplewho have actually used the product already is the onlyREAL ...
3.trainthedognottobarkrandomly Barkingdogsreallybotherpeople.Atfirst,whenyoudon'tbark, justshoutatthedog:"don'tbark."!"Makethedogstopbarking immediately.Ifitdoesn'twork,hititwithanewspaperdrum. Thismethodworksbetter. 4.trainthedognottorush Inordertoexpressintimacy,dogshavethehabitofrushing totheir...
BEING MINDFULI always think that the best way to “train” a puppy is by reinforcing them in time. Of course, that requires us humans to be mindful enough to notice and observe our dogs just as they observe us.So often, I hear people say that their dog has trained them… ...
Teaching your dog to wait can prevent them from running out when you open the door or jumping out of a car before you have safely exited. It also helps with impulse control, which can be helpful in many other training scenarios, such as not rushing through doors or waiting while you plac...
The number one concern people with an adult or adopted dog have withstarting to use a crateis whether their dogs are too old, and is it too late? We’ve all heard the saying ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks‘ haven’t we?