church magazines, purchase church books, listen to speeches from top leadership twice a year during general conference, attend devotionals and firesides (talks by influential mormons which are re-broadcast from KBYU, BYU’s television station), read the Deseret News (Utah newspaper written for morm...
So, too, with Zion. As Latter-day Saints with a duty to build Zion in this dispensation, we cannot be content to passively understand a few aspects of what Zion is. Joseph taught that, “We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object.” To accomplish this monumental ...
There are reams of compiled church records from around the world held by the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormons). You may find your ancestor’s birth or baptism (the next best thing) record among those records. You can also find church records in compiled books, on...
to Christianity and he points out 40% is a totally believable number because the Mormons between their founding and at least when he was writing this in the nineties, were growing at about 43% over the course of a century. So it doesn’t seem like an totally implausible set of numbers,...
The area wasn't truly settled by those of European descent, however, until Brigham Young led the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often referred to as Mormons) to the Salt Lake Valley. Seeking a haven from the often violent religious intolerance they had ...
“There were a lot of Mormons and a lot of gay people. And they sat together nicely. It’ll be fun to see how that unfolds. We just gotta get people in those seats.” Says O’Brien: “Comedy gets a bad rap. I mean, it’s not as distinguished as I think it deserves to ...
Forget that Jesus is our intermediary to the Father (can you imagine a client never getting to talk to his attorney?). Forget that some may occasionally desire to slip in a small, “I love you, dear Jesus, for what you did for me!” Not only must we pray exclusively to the Father ...
Part 1 in the Series: Competent to Examine Jay Adams and His Nouthetic Counseling I have posted about “nouthetic counseling” (later rebranded to be called “Biblical counseling”) more than any other tagged topic on this blog. But this series will exam
Often, seeking emotional comfort was reported alongside other circumstances, as illustrated by James, who said, "There have just been moments where I felt like I need to talk to someone about it. I guess sometimes for ecclesiastical reasons, some- times I guess for emotional support reasons."...
Seems there are Mormons who are poligamists, and Mormons who aren’t. I know pro-choice Catholics, and Catholics who are pro-life. It’s impossible to say all people of one religion are the same. Although, curiously, it seems the Christian right has a hard time understanding that? Or,...