I suppose. I guess I had a crush on her. I also had a crush on the following: any female nice enough to speak to me. Ever since graduating college, a year and a half earlier, my carnal senses had lain volcanically latent as I roamed the sexual wasteland called the American Climbing...
Don't be afraid to open the door anymore! Learn how to have effective, meaningful conversations with Mormon missionaries in this fun, lively video series!
Self-published Author, Izaura Nicolette. 'Within The Mountains: A Mormon Reform School Experience.' Published January, 2019. Seeking legit Publishing House or Agent. I still have not received any royalties due to publishers being fraudulent. I want to speak publicly about my memoir. Hundreds to ...
JENNINGS: One hundred percent. And we actually try to talk about it; I try to make it collaborative just over dinner or whatever. I’m a Latter-Day-Saint. I was raised in the Mormon religion. And there’s a real emphasis on just spending family time together, like ca...
Anyway, I’ve been approached by Mormon missionaries and they think they’re evangelizing me, but I really evangelize them. And I’ve realized that they’ve got a very similar view of authority to us, which I really respect. And you’ve also raised a great point that Mormonism is the...
Or, we might simply outgrow the fundamentalist experience that we have come from. Move on with life, even before officially leaving the fundamentalist group. Grow from being an adolescent in faith and emotions to a mature human being. We may or may not return to our former religious faith or...
(Mormon Church) is one of the fastest growing religions in the US and the world. With a major focus on the family and taking care of one another, as well as a focus on the direct teaching of Christ, it's no wonder that people every day are wondering what it takes to join this ...
During a past general conference talk, the man speaking told the membership that even if a mormon leader told them to do something that was wrong, instead of questioning the leader, they should just obey. Through their obedience, they will be blessed – whether the leader was correct or not...
My life has been enriched by having a gay son. And I will support him every step of the way. To speak openly about having a gay son twenty-six years ago was likely the bravest public thing my mom ever did. My parents fully loved and supported Preston. He was an important part of ...
She must make it all lookeasy. It’s not enough for a good Mormon woman to just do her job — she also has to make the job look effortless at every moment along the way. Unlike tasks that often pile up on a Mormon housewife’s plate — like folding freshly laundered underwear, carr...