“When an owner takes on an HOA, the deck is really stacked against the homeowner,” says Sara Benson, one of CHPPI’s founders and the co-author of “Escaping Condo Jail: The Keys to Navigating the Risks & Surviving Perils of the ‘Carefree’ Community Lifestyle." That ...
I won $216,000 using your course! Sued my employer for violating my copyright. Lawyers turned me down, afraid to sue giant corporation. Best investment ever! ... Patrick D. ... Olympia, Washington I WON using your course! My attorney is in trouble! She will not be doing this to anyo...
I won $216,000 using your course! Sued my employer for violating my copyright. Lawyers turned me down, afraid to sue giant corporation. Best investment ever! ... Patrick D. ... Olympia, Washington I stayed on top. Neither the courts nor the bank could knock me out, all because of th...
I won $216,000 using your course! Sued my employer for violating my copyright. Lawyers turned me down, afraid to sue giant corporation. Best investment ever! ... Patrick D. ... Olympia, Washington Studied your course for 7 hours then walked into court with confidence and won! The case ...
I got them to dismiss their case today by applying what I learned in Jurisdictionary. They dismissed knowing they didn't have a leg to stand on because my answer, affirmative defenses and counter claims backed them into a corner. Thank you!
HOA dropped their case! I can now start my life over after 10 years of unfounded harassment by greedy people! My only regret is not getting your course sooner. ... Becca C. ... Tampa, Florida Won every case for 4 years using your program. Keep up the amazing work!
Los Angeles, California I've learned so much that I decided to run for the U.S. Senate seat here. Your course gives me confidence I can be a lawmaker who knows how law is supposed to work. ... Rob T. ... Cumberland, Wisconsin HOA dropped their case! I can now start my life ...
HOA dropped their case! I can now start my life over after 10 years of unfounded harassment by greedy people! My only regret is not getting your course sooner. ... Becca C. ... Tampa, Florida Forced my bank to release an illegal hold on my account. Bank's lawyer said I couldn't ...
HOA dropped their case! I can now start my life over after 10 years of unfounded harassment by greedy people! My only regret is not getting your course sooner. ... Becca C. ... Tampa, Florida I want to thank everyone involved in creating this amazing website. I not only saved thousan...
Then, I make a fair copy, in order to reread everything, and this way the vocabulary comes to me easier. I have written about 60 lessons in just a month, and my teacher has noticed a significant improvement. So, I share the Adam’s method: Read and write a lot, as much as you ...