根据上文“People often be caught unable to break from overthinking by themselves. (人们经常发现自己无法摆脱过度思考。)”以及后文“Over-thinking may be a symptom of a mental health issue, like depression or anxiety. A mental health professional may teach you skills that will help you stop focus...
these persistent thoughts might hinder your ability to move on. At this point, it is normal to spend your time trying to figure out how to stop thinking about your
you’ll need to stop reading now and meditate for twenty or thirty minutes before you go on. You can meditate in any way you like as long as it involves maintaining your attention in some chosen way. For example, you could
A young boy lived in a quiet village, but his mind was far from peaceful. He had a habit that troubled him deeply—he couldn't stop thinking about the past. 一个小男孩住在一个安静的村庄,但他的心却很不平静。他有一个深深困扰他的习惯——无法停止思考过去。...
You have to define when you switch off every night, when you stop working. And you have to be strict about it. The rule I made to myself at the time was that I was done at 8pm. And I forced myself to stick to it. Now people say to me, "Really? You didn't return a single...
柯林斯英语释义:If you tell someone to knock it off, you are telling them to stop doing something that is annoying you.例句:Will you just knock it off! 45:04 I wasn't gonna cause a scene.cause a scene:当众吵闹 45:49 And what if Ralph comes banging on our door in the middle of th...
Intrusive thoughts can happen to anyone and everyone from time to time. It can be a random thought of losing your job or swerving your car off a cliff, with no intention to act. It’s almost like a combination ofimaginationand an inability to stop one’s thinking. More severe intrusive...
Don'timmediatelystartrespondingwithafirstthingthatcomestomind.不要一想到就马上开始回应。Thinkaboutyouroverallanswer, anditshouldtakeonly2-3seconds.想想你的整体答案,应该只需要 2 到 3 秒。Andthemoreyoudoit, thebetteryougetatit.你思考得越多,就会说得越好。Butthinkaboutthebeginning - whatyouwanttosay...
These proven strategies can help you stop overthinking and reduce your anxiety so you can focus on what matters.
How to Stop the Negative Chatter in Your Head 如何打消大脑中的消极念头 Elizabeth Bernstein 伊丽莎白·伯恩斯坦 Did you make your New Year’s resolutions? 你的新年目标定好了吗? I hope you put “cognitive reappraisal” on the list...