skip to main content life how to stop obsessing about what other people think of you craving social acceptance is only human, but the desire to belong can also go too far. by jenna ryu may 16, 2024 antonio rodriguez/adobe stock save this story save this story as much as i’d love ...
SometimesinEnglishweusetheverbdroptomeanstopdoingsomething, letitgo. Whenwefeelstuck, it'snaturalforustodothingsthatfeelcomfortableandfamiliar.在英语中,我们有时候用动词 drop 来表示停止做某件事情,让它去吧。当我们被困住时时,我们会很自然地做一些让我们感觉舒适和熟悉的事情。Weeventellourselvesthatthat's...
Theyjusthavealotofexperiencespeakingtootherpeopleormaybeteaching.他们只是有很多与他人交谈或教学的经验。AndwhenyoulistentopodcastsorwatchYouTubevideoslikethisYouTubevideo, rememberthatitisedited.当你听播客或观看像这样的 YouTube 视频时,请记住它是经过编辑的。Alotoftimeswe, contentcreators, wetalkalotandthenwe...
Figuring out how to stop thinking about your ex can get a lot harder when you have common friends who know all about the goings on in your ex’s life. Even if you’ve snapped all contact with your ex, knowing you can just turn to your friends for updates on their life can keep you...
I decided to become a referee for two other reasons: one, to stay in good shape; two, because I wanted to learn how not to take things personally. I can see some people nodding; you’re probably thinking being a referee is the perfect envi...
I’ll call this mental state “the aware state.” Other people have called it I AM, self-remembering, awareness watching awareness, abiding as yourself, and knowing that you are. Although these names sound different they all refer to the same thing. ...
And what I realised is we had to talk about translation. 我意识到我们必须谈谈翻译。 So we had a conversation about translating and to stop translating. 所以我们讨论了翻译和不要翻译的问题。 So it finally worked. 然后终于奏效了。 These were low-level students, but over time and over time, ...
That’s right. Some people are born perfectionists, and planning is everything for them. Take a step back and see what could go wrong, plan what you can and cannot do in that situation, and then stop thinking about it. This way, if it gets bad or good, you’ll have something ...
根据第四段For example,think about what happens when you-go walking in the countryside.You might feel stressed when you start out,but slowly,after-a couple of miles,your mind begins to settle down.The beauty and stillness of nature attracts your attention and you're no longer in your ...
How to stop thinking other’s perceptions 如何停止关心别人怎么想 三、深刻理解到的内容是: 1、撒谎、借口、逃避背后是尴尬,尴尬背后是想控制他人怎么想 Lying,excuses,comes from the embarrassment of failures,and the embarrassment comes from trying to control how other people perceive you. ...