There is much advice on this site about how to stop porn addiction. There is quite a range of suggestions involving physical and mental techniques. One of the top contributing factors to an addiction is an addiction to a certain thought pattern. Meaning you have been thinking a certain way ...
1.懒(laziness)2.好色(lust)3.爱拖延(love procrastination)4.精神内耗(the spirit of internal friction)5.自控能力弱(weak self-control)6.停止思考学习(stop thinking about learning )7.假装上进努力(pretending to work hard)8.真想不做(only think but not do)9.不懂得找贵人相助(do not know how to...
I know it has been proven that we can’t break a bad habit, but rather we have to replace it. This applies to how to stop caring about someone who doesn’t care about you anymore. You see, our default is to love, help and care for others. Deep down, this is our innate desire ...
According to Panskipp, the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a primitive area of the brain, produces basic emotional effects in all mammals, including humans. These include: Fear Rage Lust Separation distress The drive to play Panskipp also believes the PAG creates other emotions, like the desire to...
8. Differentiate Between Love, Lust, And Infatuation Does this person make you feel loved, or do you just have strong feelings you can’t understand? It would be helpful to ascertain the difference between love and what your partner is giving. This way, you have an actual reason for backin...
Putting love ahead of lust. are some form of Brahmacharya to be followed. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Ji told that after a few kids are born, the couple should live together like brother and sister. Though it may not be possible for many, some restraint and some Brahmacharya is always good...
“evil” about sex, the Incubi and Succubi allow us to dodgepersonal responsibilityfor engaging in the sexual act, replacing it with the belief that “the Incubus/Succubus did it to me!” Such an experience allows us to avoid the guilt and shame associated with lust, and distance ourselves ...
A key to learning how to stop masturbation is learning to change the feelings that are leading up to masturbation. You also need to change how you feel about masturbation. You can no longer see masturbation as a solution to your boredom or loneliness or whatever, but instead must associate ...
Temptation to sin with pornography, like other addictions, often comes from seeking to avoid or numb strong and possibly painful emotions – like fear or anger. Ask yourself what other feelings typically come before temptation to lust and porn. What ways could you address these underlying emotions...
Getting the "ick" is ruinous. You can be thoroughly enjoying a lust-filled hookup, new relationship, orflirtationwith that barista, but you witness something that just gives youthe ick. "The ick" is an everyday term for a sudden pang of aversion that creates a feeling of disgust. Maybe...