because there is nothing that you cannot overcome if you believe and persevere. This is the first step and is very necessary. Stop all the negative self talk and start building yourself up with positive thoughts that cause you to believe in yourself no matter how many mistakes you have made...
Moreover, we may want machines to think more rationally and more sensitively and compassionately than people do (as long as that does not inhibit their 'imaginations' or their diversity of good and worthwhile ideas), so that they avoid many of the kinds of errors people make. In other ...
Also, not all of the characteristics listed below are necessarily always “bad” and, in fact, can be quite helpful in some situations. Being lustful, for example, can help to add fire to your relationship. Displaying emotional detachment can be beneficial while performing a major surgery. And...
Job's use of the term "covenant" indicates the gravity of his commitment to avoid lustful thoughts. The eyes are often seen as the gateway to the heart, and Job's proactive stance highlights the importance of guarding one's thoughts and intentions. This concept is echoed in Matthew 5:28,...
“People don’t always see this, but a big body language tells of cheating is also an overcompensation in lustful direction. If your partner is suddenly acting more lustful towards you, you may think they’re more into you but try to notice the context.”...
1. Complete mental and physical abstinence is for Sanyasins and for those who seek eternal bliss and who have chosen to live sacred. That is a very hard path to follow. Not all of us can chose to be so. 2. It is natural for all of us to get sexual thoughts. Procreation by means...
I stand in shock, the swarm of thoughts flowing into my mind. She begins to retreat, fearing that she may have taken things too far, too quickly. I move quickly to her, brushing away her hair. I lean in and gently guide her head toward mine. Our kiss lasts mere moments, but it ...
So review. Who have been your biggest influencers on how best to choose a partner? What has most shaped your thoughts and feelings about the kind of person who will be the best mate for you? Consider what messages all of these have passed on to you. What definitions, expectations and pr...
"Romantic" love is a conditional type of love and supported (at least in the initial phases) by the release of intoxicating hormones and usually lustful feelings. Unconditional love is the type of love you can feel for your pet, child, parent. I think, personally, that's probably the "tr...
Concepts, thoughts, purposes, meanings . . . we understand such things because we are made in the image of God, who also is immaterial, a spirit. God created the universe – a lot of stuff – but most importantly He created image bearers, you and me, to walk with Him and make our...