If you do take a tumble, get ready for the ride of your life as your tether jerks you to a stop, then bounces you up and down like a yo-yo for a few moments! Just as important as proper highline installation is site selection. You might think that setting up a relatively low high...
they flood back. A smile, a look, a sharp word: needles to the heart, as sharp and biting as if you’d been actually stung. You would tell her to stop doing that to you, but she doesn’t
movements so sensitive that they are hard to see with the naked eye. These movements include tiny momentary dips and nods of the head, tense fingers, stretched lips, and jerks of the body—all beautifully matched when a pair of friends are in strong...
But the research says you don’t just want to spend time with everybody. Overall interaction levels didn’t benefit health – it wasthe net quality of those interactions. In other words, ditch the jerks and hang out with the people who care about you. (For more tips on making friends a...
They may ask you to think of the cheating (or breaking up with your current partner) as a parent who is sparing his drafted child greater harm by breaking his leg to save him from going to war. This analogy doesn’t work at all, of course, if you stop and think about it. ...
Don’t stop yourself at some magical number; push yourself to do 1 or 2 more reps with the aid of a spotter if necessary. If you are able to get those extra reps completely by yourself and it is higher than your target rep range then you know it’s time to increase the resistance....
She felt ill at ease when not one uttered “Please.” In short, they were all being jerks. There was fingernail clipping and eye-contact-skipping. With mouths full, the company talked. No “thank-you” was spoken, and Manners, heartbroken, ...
Don’t be one of those jerks who is driving at twice the speed limit at 5:45PM while trying to make it back to camp, and risking the lives of animals in the park just because they had to spend ten more minutes at a lion sighting. If you care about conserving the animals that you...
I can’t deal with oversensitive people that aren’t adaptable and you always have to worry whether they are having a good time or are irked. So we took off in Mark’s VW, stopping at Denny’s then got the hell out of Dodge in Doo Wah. We wanted to stop at Yuma to run around...
She jerks her arm away. They argue in pantomime. She storms away, and he goes after her, disappearing along the A-deck promenade. Jack stares after her. TOMMY Forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out o' yer arse as get next to the likes o' her. CUT TO: 61 INT....