You also know that you may stay asleep for a few seconds or a couple of minutes before your head jerks upright and you're awake again. It's annoying on the bus commute home; it's downright dangerous when driving a car. The anti-sleep alarm looks for any indication that the driver's...
and then a honking horn outside or a thunderous icemaker suddenly jerks you awake. If this happens on rare occasions, it’s just annoying. But if it happens night after night, it can lead to chronic sleep deprivation.
Our bodies are naturally programmed to sleep at night and be awake during the day but there isa spike in the production of melatonin(the hormone that regulates sleep) during the afternoon so we get drowsy. Also driving at times when you would normally be sleeping can result in feeling tired ...
there will also be a section solely dedicated to upcoming punk shows (hopefully, REAL punk shows, not that circle jerks type gibberish. soo, stay tuned. some of you will like the new design, some will hate it, but that's the story of this site, cocksuckers. live with it. ...
This will often wake the baby and a parent will need to come in to soothe them again. By learning how to wrap a baby in a swaddle tightly (but not too tightly), their arms will be prevented from moving, the Moro Reflex is subdued, and most infants will sleep more soundly as a ...
“Understood, my lady.” If the wedding ceremony is tomorrow, then she will sleep at the foot of her parents’ bed tonight, as is custom. So you will have to approach in darkness, and hope that Anyag has realized as much as you. Hope that she hasn’t forgotten your plans in the gl...
If you can recognize any of these common symptoms, you may have experienced microsleep: You are suddenly startled by your head nodding or by body jerks You struggle to keep your eyes open, yawn and blink excessively You find yourself unable to process information or fully understand what’s ...
And so we bottle up our emotions, for whatever reason, because life is moving forward, and we can’t just stop. Also, people can be jerks about it. The problem is that negative emotions don’t just disappear. Instead, they get packed away in a tiny little box somewhere in your brain...
Okay, we got the socializing down. Want the closest thing to a magic bullet when it comes to staying healthy? Exercise And Sleep If you want to stay healthy, exercise isn’t just important; it’s as crucial as oxygen is to breathing, or as those little packets of silica gel are to…...
re going to park. So, you have to figure out what those triggers are. And I think most of us don’t actually put enough weight on low-level daily stressors and how much they impact us, but they really can screw you up because they can affect your sleep, how often you get colds,...