Today on the show: How can you break free from irritability? DUCKWORTH: “Let’s not spend all this time together.” Also: Is impatience actually a positive trait? DUBNER: Yes, people need to be interrupting more. * * * DUCKWORTH:Stephen, I have a question for you based on my recent...
See also How to Overcome Internet Pornography Addiction The second thing you’ll notice is a feeling of lethargy, irritability, and mood swings. This can be compared to having withdrawal symptoms. Your body has gotten use to the way you have trained it. Anytime there was a build up in tes...
Vitamin B12is a key component in the formation of red blood cells. Its deficiency could lead to an oxygen-transport problem in the blood known as pernicious anemia. This disorder may cause issues like mood swings, paranoia, irritability, confusion, dementia, and hallucinations (or mania). What ...
If you find that others avoid you or appear hurt around you, it’s possible that your behavior and actions are unkind. Learn how to stop being mean.
The best time to combat burnout is before it begins, but you can also stop it as soon as you recognize it. Here are some common signs an employee may be experiencing burnout: Physical, mental or emotional exhaustion Decreased productivity Reduced performance (more mistakes) Irritability, sensitivi...
Should you learn how to stop being annoying or is it a mental health concern? Reflect on your perceived annoying behavior, body language & social skills.
“Once I notice that I’m overreacting, the first thing I do is force myself to stop, take a deep breath, and blow it out slowly. I’ll do this several times until I can feel my anger or irritability start to dissipate,” Terry says. ...
not smoking cigarettes causes a craving for more cigarettes, irritability, impatience,anxiety, and other unpleasant symptoms. Indeed, these symptoms are the symptoms of withdrawal from cigarettes. Moreover, with time, more and more nicotine is desired to produce favorable effects and to avoid the sy...
hope.Wash only one day’s dishes at a time. Crumple up yesterday’s anxieties and toss them into the wastebasket, and cease trying to wash tomorrow’s dirty dishes today.I stood yesterday. I can stand today. And I will not permit myself to think about what might happen tomorrow.第二章...