Payday loan collectors aren't legally allowed to threaten you. If a caller threatens a lawsuit, ask for the case number and the name of the court where the suit's been filed. If the caller claims to work with law enforcement, ask for his name and the name of the agency or police dep...
Targets have ranged from the vaguely political (a hack of Sarah Palin's webmail account) to the weirdly sentimental (a flood of birthday cards sent to a 90-year-old World War II veteran), to the downright vindictive (a barrage of harassment directed at an 11-year-old F...
there’s a fundamental limit on what they’re legally allowed to do; sometimes, debt collection behaviors become so annoying, aggressive, or inappropriate that they become illegal. And if you’re ever on the receiving end of this debt collection harassment, you’ll have the ability to take ac...
But lines are blurred when it comes tocyberbullyinganddoxxing. In some jurisdictions, these forms of online harassment may be crimes themselves, or they have the potential to cross into criminal cyberstalking. In other states, the law may be less strict, or ambiguous. How to stop cyberstalking?
11 Types of Workplace Harassment (and How to Stop Them) The workplace harassment epidemic has been exposed. Do you know what to look for and what to do about it?Discrimination and harassment in the workplaceoften go hand in hand, creating a toxic environment for employees. Understanding how...
Collateral Estoppel:A collateral estoppel can prevent a person from going back to court as a plaintiff with the same grievance. This prevents legal harassment and abuse of legal resources. Estoppel by Deed:This type of estoppel prevents a person from denying the truth of any fact stated in a ...
aSend a written message to the harasser. This can often succeed in stopping sexual harassment. Include a factual account of the offending behavior, describe how you felt about it, and state simply that you want that particular behavior to stop. Keep the letter polite, low-key and factual. ...
As in the USA, European employers must accommodate all employees and create and apply policies to prevent victimization, harassment, and discrimination. Racial Equality Directive The EU’s Racial Equality Directive (RED) complements the EED. The RED prohibits discrimination based on race and mandates...
HOA dropped their case! I can now start my life over after 10 years of unfounded harassment by greedy people! My only regret is not getting your course sooner. ... Becca C. ... Tampa, Florida I got them to dismiss their case today by applying what I learned in Jurisdictionary. They...
While Ms Perkins is not the first woman to come forward with claims about harassment from an all-powerful boss, she is one of the first to lift the veil of secrecy to show the invasive process involved in securing such an agreement. Her ordeal included days of gruelling questioning at Alle...