resistance to getting the work done is highest when you don’t have any set guidelines on how to get your work done. Going with the flow and being a free spirit with no time bounds has its perks.
Stress is a state ofbeing upset that happens when we are under pressure We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long For instance, it can come from fights with other people It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what w...
How to stop getting angryDo you get angry when your friends sing loudly whileyou are trying to work, or when your best friend does notwait for you after school? If you do, you need to learn tocontrol your feelings and stop getting angry. For gettingangry can easily make you lose friend...
First, individually speaking, to keep a good mood makes everything easier to you.Just like the grease smoothing a machine, keeping a good mood optimizes your life.If you are happy, work would not seem to be that hard.You may learn to enjoy the process.Second, for the sake of people a...
How to cope with dissociation If any of the above describes you, you likely want to know how to stop dissociating. Grounding techniques can be helpful for individuals experiencing dissociation by helping them feel more present in their bodies and connected to their surroundings. ...
Pause for thought: overthinking can lead to anxiety Overthinking is related toanxietybecause the focus is often on things wecan’tchange (such as what has already happened or unknowns in the future). This thought pattern can easily create feelings of powerlessness, which, in turn, generate high...
As we all know the high school curriculum is becoming increasingly tight-scheduled and pressuring. Thus it is not a surprise that many school aged children are constantly stressed and worried. However it is important for them to relax from those stresses in order to achieve their academic potent...
How to Stop Overthinking 1. Try out Fun Workouts Exercising is a great way to take your mind off of things. Exercise in any form can help you get out of your head and even go to sleep more easily at night. If you are having trouble sleeping, exercise is a great way to exhaust your...
During exams, most students call or send text messages to their classmates to ask about their preparation for the exam. It is quite natural to get stressed if you come to know that you have yet not studied that many chapters as your friend has studied. When you think you have made little...
For example, if you value being a present parent, your activity could be to read to your children before bed twice a week, or to spend one afternoon a week getting ice cream and talking about their day. “You start with activities that are easier to accomplishwhen you’re stressed. If ...