图3a:如果Inventor Nastran尚未先获得许可,则显示“由于许可无效,Autodesk Nastran编辑器将关闭”。 图3b:FlexNet License Finder:“您的应用程序无法获取许可,因为FlexNet License Server Manager无法确定在何处查找所需的许可数据。” 解决方案: Autodesk Invento...
/Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet all files that begin with "adsk" Note: Don't remove any non-Autodesk files from the FLEXnet folder. To make hidden files visible, go to Finder > Go > Go To Folder. Paste in the path, and press Enter. R...
the system cannot access memory to provide licensing services. Therefore, adjusting the settings of FlexNet Licensing Service 64 to run smoothly when launching AutoCAD can resolve issues such as “AutoCAD license not valid.”