图3a:如果Inventor Nastran尚未先获得许可,则显示“由于许可无效,Autodesk Nastran编辑器将关闭”。 图3b:FlexNet License Finder:“您的应用程序无法获取许可,因为FlexNet License Server Manager无法确定在何处查找所需的许可数据。” 解决方案: Autodesk Invento...
You May Need:How to Fix AutoCAD FlexNet License Finder Error? Solution 5: Block AcWebBrowser from Communicating with External Servers AcWebBrowser is a component used by AutoCAD to access network resources for license validation. If firewall rules are set to block AcWebBrowser from communicating ...
Note: Don't remove any non-Autodesk files from the FLEXnet folder. To make hidden files visible, go to Finder > Go > Go To Folder. Paste in the path, and press Enter. Restart the Autodesk software. For Autodesk 2016 and earlier releases For product...