Allergies and asthmacan be another cause of a cough. In these cases, inhaling a trigger like dust, pollen or mold can make the lungs overreact making it very difficult to stop coughing. It is the trigger which makes people cough in these cases. Allergies such as hay fever causes irritation...
If you’ve been living withsymptoms of asthmaeven for a short period of time, it’s still important to seek asthma help. You can get help from experts such as your doctor or anasthma specialistand from other people who have asthma. The repeated bouts ofcoughing, congestion,wheezing, and g...
Finally, curcumin reduces the inflammatory enzymes such as LOX and COX-2 to give you relief from asthma. It acts as an antioxidant that aids in removing the free radicals damaging the cell membranes. This leads to certain diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Turmeric is one of the...
When stress levels start to creep upward -- whether it's over bills, work, or your kids' jam-packed calendar -- asthma symptoms can kick into overdrive. As the wheezing andcoughinggets worse, your health becomes one more reason to worry. Asthma, stress, and anxiety make for a vicious ...
Prevention of a cough is based on avoiding the medical problems that cause cough. The most important aspect of prevention is to stop smoking and avoid secondhand smokeparticularly for people with asthma, chronic lung disease, and environmental allergies. ...
The above tips and tricks are great if your child is coughing due to preventable or mild causes. However, repeatedly dry coughing during the night can be indicative of other issues like: Asthma, which causes the esophageal tissue to swell Barky Cough, which also causes swelling in the upper ...
1. What Is Asthma? Asthma is a disease of the airways in the lung, leading to inflammation and spasm of the breathing tubes. This makes it difficult for the person affected with asthma to breathe properly and causes wheezing,coughingand shortness of breath. Asthma increases the sensitivity of...
These cells then signal the respiratory centers to contract the respiratory muscles, causing you to sneeze or cough. Coughing and sneezing cause air to be rapidly and violently exhaled from the lungs and airways, removing the offending substance. Of these factors, the strongest influence is the ...
Cyanosis, which is a bluish discoloration of the skin due to inadequate oxygen intake Seizures from violent coughing fits (more common in infants) Encephalopathy, which is a decrease in blood flow or oxygen to the brain Complications of whooping cough in adults ...
secondhand smokeis associated with as many as 300,000 cases ofchronic bronchitisandpneumoniaeach year. In addition, secondhand smoke from a parent's cigarette increases a child's chances for middle ear problems, causescoughingand wheezing, worsensasthma, and increases an infant's risk of dying fro...