In this article, we'll learn how events like Prohibition and World War II influenced the taste of the beer we still drink today. Then we'll take a tour through a regional brewery, the Carolina Brewing Company, to learn how they make beer, picking up some of the amazing technology and t...
Chilling your beer in a fridgeat the end of fermentation will cause yeast to fall to the bottom giving you greatly improved clarity. The short version of cold crashing is that you place the whole 23 litre fermenting drum into a pretty cold fridge and you leave it for several days to allow...
In 1931 German physician, physiologist and biochemist Otto Heinrich Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancerous cells—unlike most healthy human cells, which produce energy using oxygen via respiration—favor the anaerobic process of fermentation, or the conversion of sugar into ...
How Long Is Primary Fermentation for Beer? Primary Fermentation has roughly two stages. The first stage lasts two to three days. This is when the yeast is very active. The second stage goes from one to two weeks. This is a very common recommendation from beer kit makers. What affects the...
When I brew in winter I will often leave the fermenter our the warm kitchen or living room at least overnight so that the fermentation process has a decent chance to start. My wife hates that but still drinks the beer so go figure. ...
When you cold crash too early and stop fermentation, your beer will look fine at first. But the problem is when carbonation happens. Think of it this way. You prematurely stopped fermentation. Then, once the beer reaches a certain temperature, the yeast starts to do its work. In other wor...
This visible activity isn’t all of the fermentation however. When the visible signs of fermentation stop (airlock bubbling and foamy krausen on top of the beer) there are still things happening in the beer. This is the secondary stage of fermentation. ...
To make a dry wine, the winemaker will allow the yeast to transform all of the sugar into alcohol. When making a sweet wine, winemakers will stop the fermentation process before all of the sugar has turned into alcohol. Storage Wine is stored in oak barrels or stainless steel storage tank...
(This property allows it to be distilled by heating a water and alcohol mixture, the alcohol evaporates first). Alcohol dissolves easily in water. Alcohol is so flammable, it can be used as a fuel. Alcohol can be made by three different methods: Fermentation of fruit or grain mixtures. ...
Step 3:Secondary fermentation. This step is optional, but you can transfer the liquid to a clean bucket/carboy, while leaving the wort behind, to improve the beer clarity Step 4:Prepare priming sugar to mix in and bottle: wait 2 weeks for bottles to carbonate with the interaction between ...