How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing in the House (6 Tips) 6 Tips on How to Get Your Dog to Listen to You How To Clean A Dog Without A Bath (9 Tips) What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Listen Outside Recent Posts link to Teaching Your Dog to Sit: A Fun Journey in 5 Steps ...
Another two common issues (depending on age and history of your puppy…I have little detail to go on): Some puppies just don’t know yet that you want them to toilet outside and are so used to going inside from their first few weeks of life that they wait to be in familiar territory...
Still Peeing In Your House? Stinking up your rugs, carpets and floors? Disobeying your attempts to potty train? Or do you have a Dachshund Puppy… need this ebook! Only$24.99**Special price direct from us ONLY $19.99 (donation given to Dachshund Rescue for each book sold – thank ...
I have 3 dogs and the one dog is a bit pushy towards the other dogs, she will nip at them or bossy them around. Sometimes a fight happens when the other dogs can't take the pushy behavior. How can I stop a fight from happening? should I correct the pushy behavior? What should I...
That means food and water, and when it’s apt to come out. My rule is that the puppy gets a chance to go outside every time she … Wakes from a nap Has been playing Has been eating or drinking These frequent trips will reduce accidents in the house. When my new puppy Kismet was...
Why You Should Take Your Pup on a “Scent Walk”—All the Dogs Are Doing It Why you should let your dog get all their sniffs out on a stroll. How to Know If Your Dog Has Imprinted on You If they’re following you around like your shadow, there’s a reason for that. ...
Why are cat foods not allowed to contain propylene glycol? Stop your cat from peeing in the house. Is your cat peeing in the house? There are several things you can do... View all articles Popular questions... Lab gets into the garbage. Hi. I have a 75-lb. yellow lab. She was ...
that's a learned behavior. Neutering while your dog is still a puppy can prevent marking behaviors from developing. Neutered dogs still mark in response to intact animals in the home, so it's important to neuter all pets in your household, according to the Humane Society of the United ...
How to Train Your Dog to Go to His Mat By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBSTMar 4, 2023 Why Does My Dog Want to Lay on Me All the Time? By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBSTMay 6, 2024 Dogs & Dog Breeds 14 Ways to Stop Bad Dog Behaviors ...
When you first introduce your puppy to a crate, stay with him a while after you first put him in. Putting a dog in a cage and walking away can create confusion andseparation anxiety. Start by placing the dog in the cage with the door open, and maybe toss a few high-value treats ins...