Establish a feedingschedule for your dogso that you can plan when he will need to go outdoors to go potty. You should take your dog outside on a regular schedule. Start by taking him out frequently, especially if he is a puppy or is having accidents in the home. Gradually increase the ...
PRO TIP:If you’re lucky enough to meet your puppy’s mother and littermates bring yourCalmeroos Puppy Toywhen you go to pick up your pup. Rub your Calmeroos Puppy Toy all over litter mates and mom.When introducing your puppy to the crate give him his Calmeroos Puppy Toy. This will ...
This project is a video diary of me raising my puppy Moses from the time he waseight weeks oldto 1 year. I followed his life with my camera, making as many training videos for puppy parents as I could. In my program,Puppy Coach on The Online Dog Trainer, I give members access to e...
When you first introduce your puppy to a crate, stay with him a while after you first put him in. Putting a dog in a cage and walking away can create confusion andseparation anxiety. Start by placing the dog in the cage with the door open, and maybe toss a few high-value treats in...
to instantly mark the event … and give her a food reward. This teaches your puppy that peeing outside is the right thing to do and builds good habits. I also start introducing some vocabulary here. As I feed her treats for the desired outcome, I softly say, “good girl, good potty ...
1. Set up a schedule and carefully supervise our puppy. When our puppy is out and about in a non-dog-proof area, we need to supervise him closely. Close supervision will give us the opportunity to teach puppy right from wrong, without too much damage to our furniture and belongings. ...
How to Train Your Dog to Go to His Mat By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBSTMar 4, 2023 Why Does My Dog Want to Lay on Me All the Time? By Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBSTMay 6, 2024 Dogs & Dog Breeds 14 Ways to Stop Bad Dog Behaviors ...
Why You Should Take Your Pup on a “Scent Walk”—All the Dogs Are Doing It Why you should let your dog get all their sniffs out on a stroll. How to Know If Your Dog Has Imprinted on You If they’re following you around like your shadow, there’s a reason for that. ...
Whether you have a puppy or an older dog, remember thatreward is much more effective than punishment.Give your dog a treatimmediately after he pees outside and tell him, "good boy!" Keep your dog in your sight at all times when he's inside and make sure he's getting enough walks. ...
You should praise right when your dog has finished peeing/pooping and not while he’s still doing it. If you praise too early, you risk interrupting your dog's urine flow which may trigger your dog to have an accident the moment he returns inside...