In this email, I’m going to share the strategies I’m using to sustain focus. These strategies are all about tweaking your natural motivation cycles, so you don’t need to dose up on caffeine or illicit nootropics. There are several key tactics I’ve found effective: Priming Distraction-f...
Caffeine can also ramp up the body’s ability to burn fat. In fact, some sports organizations think that caffeine gives athletes an unfair advantage and have placed limits on its consumption. From 1972 until 2004, Olympic athletes had to ...
When you don’t get enough sleep, drinking caffeine is often a temporary solution to cope with daytime sleepiness. But trying to supplement your snooze with a cup of coffee can be a vicious cycle. Here’s how to balance the benefits of caffeine without wrecking yoursleep schedule. How Does ...
With a lot of students I talk to, I see a kind of defeatist mentality that like," Oh, as long as I just get through this, then suddenly I'll become a doctor five years down the line and then it will all be worth it." It's like this thing that Muhammad Ali famously once said ...
If you only get a few hours of sleep, you will wake up feeling sleepy because your body didn’t have sufficient time to clear the accumulated adenosine.4 Caffeine can counteract this effect to some degree. By independently blocking the action of adenosine in the brain, caffeine can underm...
To see if it might bring on your headaches, use a headache app or journal to look for possible triggers and keep track of what seems to help. Other tips include: Stay hydrated. For most people, this means drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. If you consume caffeine, add ...
If you’re struggling with poor sleep habits, your body may struggle to fall and stay asleep. For instance, if you consume caffeine close to bedtime, it may prevent you from staying asleep. Similarly, the blue light from electronics can keep your brain in a more alert stage. Having an er...
We can sense that we've had enough (or too much!) to drink, and ideally we'll slow down our consumption as a result. But when you add energy drinks to the mix, the stimulant effects of caffeine, plant-based ingredients, or sugars in the drink can mask the effect of the alcohol, ...
Medication-induced side effects, such asakathisiaor an inability to stay still Substance Use It can also be mistaken for and worsen symptoms of withdrawal from other substances, such asamphetaminesandcocaine. Stimulant drugs such as these are often cut with caffeine, increasing the likelihood that...
Goodsleepis a foundation for good health and a happier frame of mind. But when was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed, alert, and hopeful — ready to take on the day? Or, fell asleep easily without worry or effort? Scroll down to try a 2 minute visualization for switching off...