Just make the parameter a void*, and it will accept any pointer to some object: void foo(void*); int main () { int *IntPtr; foo(&IntPtr); assert(IntPtr == NULL); } That's what void* is for. Later, cast it back using static_cast. That's a quite restrictive cast, that ...
char* a = (char*)"Welcome To My Domain"; void* p = static_cast<void*>(a); cout << "Have a Nice day user " << (demo(p) ? "The pointer is used click yes " : "The pointer is not used click no") << endl; cout << static_cast<char*>(p) << endl; return 0; } Outpu...
wcout << "Photo location: " << (static_pointer_cast<Photo>(p))->location << endl; } Example 5 You can pass a shared_ptr to another function in the following ways: Pass the shared_ptr by value. This invokes the copy constructor, increments the reference count, and makes the callee...
I have a main window and a few child windows. If I click a button on the main window, I must set the text of Static Text on the child windows.I have tried to cast it to CWnd but it still don't work. this was done on the OnInitDialog :...
//ComPtr(static_cast<T*>(other)) {}ComPtr(MustDeriveFromT(other)) {} ⟦ other stuff ⟧ private: constexpr static T* MustDeriveFromT(T* p) { return p; } }; Or the library author can provide a deduction guide to steer CTAD to the correct type: ...
In order to do this, the static_cast operator is used for safe and generic type casting in C++. It is used when the type conversion is known to be safe at compile-time and does not involve any pointer conversions. It converts the types without checking the value; hence, the programmer...
Re: How to cast an specified type pointer to integer? Allen wrote: I want to package an address to byte buffer. So I need to cast it to integer value. Why? Surely if you are putting it in a byte buffer, you want a pointer? -- Ian Collins.Allen...
//static voidCompositionWindow::RegisterWindowClass() { autoinstance =winrt::check_pointer(GetModuleHandleW(nullptr)); WNDCLASSEX wcex = {sizeof(wcex) }; wcex.style= CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wcex.lpfnWndProc= WndProc; wcex.hInstance= instance; ...
} static GCHandle gch; int main() { GetTheAnswerDelegate^ fp = gcnew GetTheAnswerDelegate(GetNumber); gch = GCHandle::Alloc(fp); IntPtr ip = Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(fp); ANSWERCB cb = static_cast<ANSWERCB>(ip.ToPointer()); Console::WriteLine("[managed] sending delegate ...
The cast is legal - we're returning a pointer to the first member of astruct. It could have similarly used¤t->thread_infobut that cannot be used if the definition ofstruct task_structisopaquein some contexts (i.e. it is an incomplete type)!