static_point_cast 是一种用于智能指针类型间的编译时强制转换的工具,它的用法与 static_cast 类似,但专门用于智能指针。它不会在运行时进行检查,适用于你明确知道对象类型并且类型转换不会失败的场景。static_point_cast 主要用于在继承层次中进行从基类智能指针到派生类智能指针的转换。
error C2440: “static_cast”: 无法从“UINT (__thiscall CSizingControlBar::* )(CPoint)”转换为“LRESULT (__thiscall CWnd::* )(CPoint)” f:\tools\4bands ifx_xmm2130_ft\common\sizecbar.cpp 109 CWnd类,afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point); 而在CSizingControlBar中是afx_msg UINT...
发现CXXX是一个很好的实现VC界面的类,下来编译出现如下错误: 错误1error C2440: “static_cast”: 无法从“UINT (__thiscall CXXX::* )(CPoint)”转换为“LRESULT (__thiscall CWnd::* )(CPoint)” 解决:查看CWnd类 afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point); 而在CSizingControlBar中是 afx_msg U...
(static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(CPoint) > (&ThisClass :: OnNcHitTest)) }, 注意返回值类型由UINT改成了LRESULT,再加上static_cast的严格检查,所以就出错了。修改的方法就是将你的OnNcHitTest函数由: afx_msgUINT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point); 改成: afx_msgLRESULT OnNcHitTest(CP...
Static Cast: The simplest cast that can be used is thestatic cast. It is a cast done atcompile time. It can call explicit conversion functions as well as perform implicit type conversions (such asconvertinganintto afloator apointerto avoid*). ...
可能是你的某个响应函数的原型,用了 UINT作为返回值,而原本需要LRESULT
Static and dynamic three-point bending characteristics of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron at low temperatureSpheroidal graphite cast ironDeflectionBending testFracture energyTransition temperatureStatic and dynamic bending tests of ferritic spheroidal graphite cast iron were carried out attemperatures range...
转自原文 error C2440 “static_cast” 无法从“void (__thiscall C* )(void)... error C2440: “static_cast”:... wenglabs 0 1218 error C2440: 'static_cast' : cannot convert from 'UINT (__thiscall CStaticLink::* )(CPoint)' to 'LRESULT (__thiscall CWnd::* )(CPoint) (转) 20...
(static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(CPoint) > (&ThisClass :: OnNcHitTest)) },注意返回值类型由UINT改成了LRESULT,再加上static_cast的严格检查,所以就出错了。修改的方法就是将你的OnNcHitTest函数由:afx_msg UINT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);改成:afx_msg LRESULT OnNc...
(CPoint))&OnNcHitTest }, 但是新版本变成了: #define ON_WM_NCHITTEST() \ { WM_NCHITTEST, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_l_p, \ (AFX_PMSG)(AFX_PMSGW) \ (static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(CPoint) > (&ThisClass :: OnNcHitTest)) }, 注意返回值类型由UINT改成了LRESULT,再加...