作品集DIY |How To Start A Fashion Design Project —— 如何做头脑风暴 86 -- 10:21 App Personal Branding- How To Build & Manage Your Personal Image - Personal Branding 279 -- 13:15 App TA们 | Compass: “鸽子”教父,纽约Staple Design主理人Jeff Staple 8 -- 19:32 App AT2 My speculative...
How to Start a Startup第一讲「为什么创业、创业点子和产品」 Sam 在 YC 的工作就是看项目和辅导创业,本课程除了 Sam 还会有各种大牌加盟,比如第一讲课的嘉宾是 Facebook Co-founder,Dustin Moskovitz。正如 Sam 所说,他发现在 YC 工作时,创业者们有 30% 的基础问题都是共性的,可以被概括的,而另外 70% ...
In this post, I share with you ways on how to run a startup company from anywhere in the world. Just like running a business, creating the opportunity to work remotely isn't an easy process.
How to Start a Startup (YC联合Stanford出品)第二讲「团队和执行力」 - Everything about a startup - 知乎专栏
Sam Altman 是硅谷孵化器 Y Combinator 的新主席,这次他联合斯坦福大学一起,开设了这门叫做CS183B的课,目的是教给所有想创业的人该如何创业,课程内容非常基础。 之所以叫 CS183B,可能是因为此前有过一门类似的创业课,由 Peter Thiel 主讲,编号为CS183。36氪之前有过系列介绍。
How to Start a Startup第二讲「团队和执行力」 在上一篇专栏How to start a startup (YC联合Stanford出品)第一讲中,我们提到了“为什么要创业”和“创业四元素”的前两点 idea 和 product,今天第二讲课上 Sam Altman 给我们带来了四元素的后两点“Team”和“Execution”。
that requires brilliance to solve. The Idea In particular, you don't need a brilliant idea to start a startup around. The way a startup makes money is to offer people better technology than they have now. But what people have now is often so bad that it doesn't take brilliance to ...
《How to Start a Startup》 地址:http://startupclass.samaltman.com/ 如果你发现课程中链接的一些视频网站和社交网站并不在这个世界上存在的时候,推荐一个我一直在用的解决方法(便宜大碗又稳定 https://getqujing.com/ 管理员别删,人家说的是:在中国的各个角落,尽情地欣赏来自世界各地的海量音乐呢~...
Ultimately, success is determined by the degree to which customers prefer the new venture product(s) to alternatives, thus, thinking from the perspective of the customer is critical to success. Often we focus on what the idea is, how it improves on alternatives in the marketplace, and don'...
Get funded by Y Combinator. March 2005 (This essay is derived from a talk at the Harvard Computer Society.) You need three things to create a successful startup: to start with good people, to make something customers actually want, and to spend as little money as possible. Most startups...