First Aid is alsoone of the easiest professions to train and grindinWoW Classic. While other professions in the game require frequent trips back to major cities and multiple visits to the Auction House, First Aid can almost be done entirely passively as the cloth you get from enemies out in ...
How to start Grand Hunts inWoW Dragonflight Begin the Hunt. Screenshot by Dot Esports To start a Grand Hunt in a zone, travel to the zone where the next Grand Hunt is happening. You can easily spot them since you’ll see the horn icon. The hunts are always active and usually move ...
World Quests provide some unique rewards in addition to reputation and gold. But before you can start completing them, you will need to unlock them. Unlocking World Quests in Dragonflight is a pretty straightforward process. All you need to do is complet
If you need some help getting back to your order hall once you’ve unlocked it, here is how you can get back to each one: About the Author Luxrah I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both...
I really think very small clearly super liked by everyone changes like that are what a improved classic era needs… and then we saw wat happens when bliz tries to touch the balance like in season of discovery it’s just always going to get messed up . so we need just small ch...
This might be important in three scenarios: It’s the start of the season, and people don’t have overgear for low mythic keys, so they need a good knowledge (especially for tanks and healers) of strategies to successfully complete the key on time. To identify boosted characters and ...
in your raid, so you can solve them easier. Good raid leaders do this all the time and know how to read those logs. Further, the rankings in Warcraft Logs can spur healthy competition in your guild, as there is also a guild-wide leaderboard on WCL. If you want to become a better ...
-During the game you will have the opportunity to collect various items, equipment and achievements. These collectibles can improve your character and contribute to your enjoyment of the game. -Joining a guild or participating in the WoW community can be a great way to improve your gaming experi...
A lot of the people commenting likely never even entered Naxxramas during Classic WoW... As someone who was the assistant raid leader of a Guild who by whatever miracle managed to down Kel'Thuzad(40) let me just say that those saying that the attunement/resist gear was "the only hard par...
it, you'll choose the DPS trinket because that's the spec you're with, not knowing that the healing trinket was your pre raid bis healing trinket and guess what, your guild wants you to heal in raids, so that's why you should check your pre raid bis list b...