In your request, include your Warcraft Logs Classic username, your character name, the guild name and the name of the server, as well as an in-game screen shot showing your character’s guild rank. How to Create a Team Some guilds may host more than one raid team. To create a team,...
How do you setup WoW Logs for Classic? 010March 6, 2025 [Dreamsythe] 60 hunter/mage lfg 010March 6, 2025 (A) US Wild Growth <we grow> 15/15H LF dps 016March 6, 2025 (H) (cata classiic) 395 boomkin 3/8 LF raiding guild ...
It was done this way so that warlocks who have the reagents will be able to open the portal for themselves or others at a later time. The trade off for this is that any warlock who does not have the reagents will not be able to create their own portals and they will be at the ...
Create a custom order Join over 75,280gamers who trust Epiccarry to reach their gaming goals. 85%+ Returning Customers Gamers come back because we deliver results every time. Simple as that. 700 000 Orders Completed Prove that we’re an experienced team. And we keep growing and getting bett...
Hi there, First time playing WoW Classic and having a lot of fun so far. Looking to join a guild so I can be part of a bigger community and also potentially help with raiding in the future IGN: Butterx Discord: butte…
The purpose of this guide is to help both new and old players think about how to make gold in Classic WoW. Gold is much more valuable in Classic, and earning it will be much more difficult than it is in the retail version. This general guide will cover m
Every dungeon they’ve crushed, the times, and how they ranked. Role Roundup: Those role icons let you in on whether they’re tanking, healing, or dishing out the damage. Guild Gossip: If they’re running with a crew, you get to know. The guild, its rank, the whole shebang. The ...
Whatever the truth, the Crusade would use the black gem to create the staff known as Light's Wrath. Ten of the Scarlet Crusade's learned priests gathered in Hearthglen to create Light's Wrath. For weeks, they practiced a ritual that would purify the dark jewel and bind it to the ...
Classic. When you start your adventure with Classic World of Warcraft, you will almost immediately notice that Quests award pitiful amounts of money, Skills have to be learned from Class Trainers and cost a ton of Gold, flipping the Auction House is not really an option during the early week...
Azeroth before the Cataclysm- Classic Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor are back. The old and loved (or hated) zones wait for new adventurers. This means that some Zone-specific features are back in business. Just to name a few: Barrens, the biggest zone of Vanilla WoW can be experienced again...