How to start your own compost pileROBERT H. SCHULER
Try to visit your garden daily to check your plants for any signs of trouble. Caught early on, many problems can be stopped before they get too big to deal with. Look under leaves for bug eggs and remove them before they can hatch out. Leaves also can tell you a lot about the health...
“I wish someone had told me to start as simple as possible. Figure out one method at a time and add others as you need and have time for them.”– Janet Schofield,Texas A&M Extension “A compost pile on the ground is the best way to go. A lot of times new composters will use...
If you’re new to gardening, it’s a good idea to start small and grow your garden area each year to avoid dead plants, tears, and time wasted. If you’re planning on running a self-sustaining homestead, you’ll want to make the most out of the land you have. If you have a pet...
Gardeners, if you have not learned to compost for fertilization, fall is a perfect time to start. Why? To take advantage of all those fallen leaves, of course! Why Compost? Composting is an economical and environmentally-sound way to fertilize your soil. It makes for the richest growing soi...
Incorporate it into your garden beds or sprinkle it on top. Remember, compost is not a replacement for your soil, but rather acts as a natural fertilizer to nurture your soil and plants, so add it a couple of times a year for best results. ...
To start making compost, you need to first choose a site and then start adding your ingredients. Yifei Fang/Getty Images Making compost is pretty simple, once you get started: Choose a site for the compost pile. Choose a structure. Add the compost materials. Care for and feed the compost...
we tried to make a big table showing all the things you need for a good compost pile – from moisture, to temperature, to the proper Carbon to Nitrogen ratio. I worry that giving all this information might be counter productive, so here is where I think it’s important to stop and thi...
The bigger your garden, the more you will need a good place to compost its waste. An open pile that can be chopped and turned quickly works well for composting garden waste. Leaves need to weather for a while before they decompose, so it is often best to stockpile them in a bin throug...
Step 9: Use your compost! There are a lot of ways to use your compost even if you don't have a garden! You can use it as fertilizer for potted houseplants, give it as a gift, or even just sprinkle it across your lawn. Whatever you choose to do with it, you can be proud that...