The act of “turning” or “spinning” a compost pile is crucial because it is in the rotation of scraps that the pile is able to aerate, and the organisms can take in the oxygen they need to get the decomposing show on the road. When going this route, you’re going to want to ad...
How to start your own compost pileROBERT H. SCHULER
To speed up your compost you’ll want to make sure you have a pile that has a good ration of carbon heavy stuff (browns) like leaves, cardboard, paper, and sticks with nitrogen heavy stuff (greens) like food scraps. Why the mix? If you just have browns – like a stack of cardboar...
To make the perfect compost pile, you need to use the right ingredients, put it in the right place, choose a suitable container, and more.
A compost pile is easy to make and doesn’t require much space. In order to reach optimal temperatures, the pile should be at least 3 feet wide, 3 feet across, and 3 feet tall (one cubic yard). That is the minimum size to generate temperatures that can kill weeds and pathogens, but...
“For indoor compost, containers with lids that twist shut have worked well in my experience," she says. "They are easy to open and close while also keeping the scent contained."If you want to start a compost pile, choose an open area—you need at least 3 square feet of space—and ...
Start a compost pile and learn how to tend it properly.It’s not nearly as hard as you think and worth it.Go hunting when hunting seasons are open for small game, large game, and birds.Then, take a percentage of the meat and practice making jerky....
How to attract them:Start a compost pile(if you don’t have one already) and plant lots of perennials. Ground beetles place their larvae into the ground at the end of the warm season and as they hatch, they clear the soil of bad bugs before emerging in the spring. They also aid in...
If you have enough space outdoors, you don’t need a second container at all. You can create a compost pile right in your yard. Just choose a shady, dry corner of your yard; you can add material as you collect it and water as needed. Outdoor compost piles can take longer to generat...
When making a hot compost pile, you want to have 2 to 3 times more brown materials than greens, at least initially, although some more greens can be added as the compost cooks. For most gardeners, the biggest challenge is, therefore, collecting enough brown materials and not just piling in...