far away. It would be great to see ‘em again.The game plan… well there was no game plan exactly, come to think of it. But the idea was to get caught up on what each had been doing over the past 20 years or so. Making up this...
When Bryce tells the next part of the story, he switches to an impersonation of Mulally’s drawl. Bryce (recalling Mulally): “Why would we change the plan when we’re still working the plan?” This is the essence of Message Discipline. The turnaround story of Ford and Mulally’s le...
How Do You Spell Relief? A Panel of Relief Society Presidents Introduction Sharon Lee Swenson T H E IDEA FOR THIS PANEL SPRANG FROM LAST YEAR'S western Pilgrimage reunion, an annual meeting of women. We were sitting around observing who'd become a Relief Society president and being amazed. ...
“The internet has its own regions,” said Solomon. “There’s a style that’s very particular to Reddit; there’s a style that’s very particular to Twitter; there’s a style that’s really particular to Instagram. In all these different places, people talk a little bit differently. Bu...
Ronnie Balls, a retired steam-drifter skipper from Great Yarmouth, did for steam what Sam had done for sail, but whereas Sam had used words in the manner of a dramatic poet, Ronnie's approach was that of a master of the lyric form. To hear the soft East Anglian drawl of this youthful...
It has an etymological mandate as our innermost core: if we’re to be compelled, that’s the place to land the spell. Cupid’s darts lodge in the heart – or in the pectus, if we go a little further back. I like this from Philip Pullman’sNorthern ...
Karen, 39, listened spell-bound as the shaven-headed 41-year-old with a sexy American drawl told how he had fought in the Gulf War as a US Marine. And when Adrien moved in with the smitten girl, she agreed to go without sex because he said he had been made impotent when Iraqi fo...