This technique is very helpful if you are aIT adminand want toupgradethousands of VMs and hosts at the same time with justsingle command. Ansible is the onlytogo toolfor us at Crunchify, as we deal withlots of hostsfor our clients and patch up OS in regular basis. Let’s ...
My Question: How to execute a command that contains sudo using ansible but when logged in as a different user So my playbook will look like this: - hosts: all tasks: - name: Update and upgrade apt packages become: ubuntu apt: upgrade: yes update_cache: yes But where can I add the...
In my case, all Windows hosts are joined to the Active Directory domain, so I’ll use my AD account to authenticate to Ansible. This requires configuring Kerberos authentication on the Ansible server (see below). At this point, we assume thatAnsible is already installed on your Linuxmanagement...
Ansible Engine Issue When patching on one server is done it should not wait for another server to complete patching rather than continue with next tasks. Resolution The behaviour of Ansible can be controlled withstrategyplugins. By default Ansible uses thelinearplugin, All hosts will run each task...
I want to build an Ansible playbook that would (amongst other things) execute each of the .EXE files in the preriquisites folder with the parameters "/install /passive" I don't want to have to specify each filename in my playbook. ...
"ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3" }, "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } Quick Recap As you can see from the above example, in ansible, to specify the username and password to use for your remote hosts, we use the -u [username] and –ask-pa... mynameinv=Rajesh in inventory [app:vars] ansible_user=user1 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=node.pem ansible_become=yes ansible_become_pass=pass123 # user & key & sudo with Diff user and password [log] ...
You’ll see output similar to this, but containing your own server infrastructure as defined in your inventory file: Output all: children: servers: hosts: server1: ansible_host: /usr/bin/python3 server2: ...
srv-db01 ansible_host= ansible_user=sysops You can specify hosts by their DNS name or IP addresses. Theansible_userspecifies the account that will be used for the SSH connection. You can put the same parameters of a host group in a separate section with the:varssuffix, for ...
Then in playbook: - hosts: group_1 serial: 1 vars: start_ip: tasks: - name: Add a line to /etc/hosts lineinfile: path: "/tmp/hosts" line: "{{ start_ip|ipmath(my_idx) }} fooserver" insertafter: EOF loop: "{{ ansible_play_hosts }}" loop_...