ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_pass=root ansible_ssh_user=root 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. tasks文件 # cat roles/test-server/tasks/main.yaml - name: Copy file file: src: hosts dest: /etc/hosts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. templates文件 # cat roles/test-server/files/hosts test...
file: path=/application/tomcat/ owner=tomcat group=tomcat state=directory recurse=yes # 开启tomcat - name: "开启tomcat" shell: ss -anpt|grep 8080 || nohup /tmp/tomcat/bin/ run & [root@ chenc01 ~]# ansible-playbook main.yml --syntax-check #检查语法 [root@ chenc01 ~]# an...
[root@192~]# cat /etc/ansible/hosts # This is the default ansible 'hosts' file. #则这是一个默认文件 # # It should live in /etc/ansible/hosts #它必须在/etc/ansible/hosts中才能被执行 # # - Comments begin with the '#' character # #是注释 # - Blank lines are ignored #空白行可以...
1import ansible.runner2import ansible.inventory3import loggingMod.init_logger4import json5import sys67classrootUser():89def __init__(self, ipAddress, userName, remoteUser):10self.ipAddress =[ ipAddress ]11self.userName =userName12self.remoteUser =remoteUser1314'''init base info'''15self.web...
#ansible_sudo_exec #如果sudo命令不在默认路径,需要指定sudo命令路径 ansible_ssh_private_key_file #秘钥文件路径,秘钥文件如果不想使用ssh-agent管理时可以使用此选项 ansible_shell_type #目标系统的shell的类型,默认sh #ansible_connection #SSH 连接的类型: local , ssh , paramiko,在 ansible 1.2 之前默认是...
--- name:host file update - Local DNS setup across all the servershosts:multigather_facts:yestasks:- name:Update the /etc/hosts file with node nametags:etchostsupdatebecome:yesbecome_user:rootlineinfile:path:"/etc/hosts"regexp:".*\t{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']}}\t{{ hostvars...
Inventory file: Inventory file 机器清单,ansible用于管理机器节点的配置文件,类似系统的/etc/hosts文件。 默认的配置文件为:/etc/ansible/hosts (新版本默认的Inventory文件好像是 /home/ansible/ansible_hosts)。 Inventory文件遵循ini文件风格,[]标记分组,方便对机器列表的管理。
Specifically, the key should not match the format that is found in an SSH pubkey file, but should rather have the hostname prepended to a line that includes the pubkey, the same way that it would appear in the known_hosts file. The value prepended to the line must also match the value... mynameinv=Rajesh in inventory [app:vars] ansible_user=user1 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=node.pem ansible_become=yes ansible_become_pass=pass123 # user & key & sudo with Diff user and password [log] ...
s1 ansible_ssh_port=65522 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=simon # 别名s1 连续的主机 [g1] g[1:50] g[a-f] #hosts简单配置实例[all:vars]#*:vars 块变量,all:vars 全局变量 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa ...