Whereas in the reverse bias, it initially works like an insulator, but when the applied voltage becomes high enough to reach a special voltage called zener breakdown voltage, its conductivity suddenly becomes very high and it behaves like a very good conductor. Zener diode is made specifically to...
How can I use a Zener diode to create a relatively constant voltage that is not affected significantly by changes in temperature and supply voltage?Combine a Zener diode that shows a near-zero temperature coefficient at close to 5 V with a constant-current s...
Zener diode Light Emitting Diode (LED) Photodiode Tunnel diode Varicap diode Shockley diode Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) Constant-current diode Diac Bridge rectifier Integrated Circuits (ICs) Integrated Circuits (IC) consist of from a few transistors to a few billion transistors...
If the I/O is protected by fuses,Zener diodes, or varistors, ensure that they are functioning well. If so, the logic IC orthe microcontrolleris likely damaged. The only way to find out is to replace the parts with good ones. Check Communication Ports Circuit boards with communication ports...
What is meant "Engineering !!" Engineering is the means by which we take our scientific knowledge of the world and use it to invent, design, and build technologies to solve problems in our lives What responsibility respectswill Engineeringbe in charge their consumers?
Line/mains voltage is too high to be connected directly to an Arduino. The ADC cannot measure voltages that high. Some sort of pre-scaler is required to...
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1.2How to Connect a Pot using Two Leads 1.3What is the function of a Potentiometer 1.4What's a Preset How Potentiometers Work Potentiometers, or pots as these are called in short form are passive electronic devices which are basically just variable resistors, or resistors whose values can be...