How does the method of implicit differentiation use? 中学英语课外阅读阅读材料摘要:doi:10.1016/0040-6031(74)80046-8YuxueLiang中学生数学:高中版
We will use a method called implicit differentiation which makes use of the chain rule to differentiate implicitly defined functions. Use this concept to get the desired result.Answer and Explanation: The given function is {eq}x + ln (x + y) = y^2. {/eq} Using implicit d...
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In summary, to differentiate y=e^x, we use the rule for differentiating the inverse of a function since the exponential function is the inverse of the natural logarithmic function. This gives us the derivative of e^x as e^x. For y=lnx, we can use implicit differentiation with the help ...
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