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Your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition calculator is capable of far more than "just" drawing graphs and performing complex calculations. One of its bigger strengths is the fact that it can be programmed to perform custom operations, including logic and relational operations. But there's a catch: With...
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” For a question such as “Solve |x – 2|= 3”, we focus on the 3, so we find the places on the number line that are three units away from zero, namely 3 and -3. This “distance” context supports the procedure that is typically taught, to solve by creating two equations: x...
You can also find real solutions to quadratic equations by graphing them and using the 'zero' function to calculate where the graph intersects the x-axis. You can then stick that number next to a "x -". Disclaimer: Most math classes either disallow calculators that can factor, or make you...
mathematics teachers in primary school need to make sure that exercises involving addition do not result in numbers outside the range students are familiar with; similarly, quadratic equations in high-school usually are required to have real-valued roots. It is easy to generate questions for studen...