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Step 1: Set up an equation for the problem:Use the usual form for a limit, with c equal to 0, and f(x) equal to 2x + 2. f(x) = 2 x + 2 c = 0 lim f(x) = L = lim 2x + 2 x→c x→0 Step 2: Solve for the limit of the function, using some basic properties of...
polyroot function built in. If you have a TI-89 graphing calculator, it also has a factoring function. Earlier model TI graphing calculators don't have it built in, but they do have factoring programs. Google "ti quadratic solver" for programs you can transfer to your TI graphing calculator...
Try Another Way It seems repetitive, but solving the problem again is an effective way to check answers. The answers should be the same both times you solve it. If not, look back through your work to find errors. Try a different method the second time when possible. Draw pictures to add...
In this more general case, it is no longer straightforward to solve for λ in terms of the eigenvalues of M as we could when all Ni∗ were equal, and so it is not clear what is the corresponding necessary and sufficient condition for stability in this more general case. On the other...