completing quests, and exploring the world around you, there are a ton of puzzles to solve for various rewards. One of the more difficult puzzles can be found in the Bell Tower Wing in Hogwarts. If you're stumped on even figuring out what you're supposed to do, let alone how ...
Among the many secrets ofHogwarts Legacyare different complex puzzles that players can complete for rewards. The bridge puzzle on the Library Annex bridge is an especially bountiful one to complete, but it’s also one that took a little extra brainpower for me to solve. Recommended Videos Screen...
There are many sidequests and optional activities to do inHogwarts Legacythat range in difficulty and rewards. However, there's one sidequest that stands above the rest in terms of how tricky it is to not only complete, but even tobegin. The Halls of Herodiana quest isn't one you will ...
By finding theKey of AdmittanceinHogwarts Legacy, players can unlock access to valuable new gear items in a unique location that’s sure to delight fans of Wizarding World lore. However, given the sheer size of Hogwarts Castle and its many hidden secrets, finding the key and figuring out whi...
Puzzles in “Hogwarts Legacy” include logic tests, mazes, and other tasks that challenge the player’s capacity for problem-solving. To obtain secret items, reveal locked doors, or advance in the game, solve these puzzles. The Owl Bell Tower is one of these mysteries. Two bells are missing...
Hogwarts Legacyis full of tricky levels and crafty puzzles that can confuse you for hours, and the Goblin Camp Merlin Trial is one of them. This perplexing puzzle is located in the Hogwarts Valley region, and you need to know how to solve the Goblin Camp Merlin Trial to get more gear sl...
The First Trial is filled with Ancient Magic Puzzles and you will have to solve them to complete the trial. As you enter the trial room, you need to go ahead along the path and then go down the staircase and you will find the trail of Ancient Magic. Investigate it to make the bridge...
one of the main draws to the Wizarding World RPG from Portkey Games is, of course, the spells players can cast at their enemies and even use to solve the many puzzles scattered throughout the game. InHogwarts Legacy, players will learn a total of 23 equitable spells and seven additional ...
Wondering how to open Slytherin’s Door in Hogwarts Legacy? The open-world wizarding adventure is stacked with puzzles, including the Slytherin Door, which is well worth cracking as solving the puzzle reveals some major secrets and grants you the use of an Unforgivable Curse called Crucio, one ...
After clearing the camp, use the Reveliospell inHogwarts Legacyto discover some hidden clues. The protagonists will eventually stumble uponRowland Oakes’s JournalandRowland Oakes’s Map, hinting at the location of the trade. Solve The Map Puzzle ...