Hogwarts Legacyis filled with wonderous and tricky puzzles like themoth tomb puzzlewithin the Helm of Urktot quest. Recommended Videos While the puzzle itself is fairly straightforward, the location of the moths necessary to progress through the cave is not always apparent. If you’re stuck ...
How to solve the Slytherin’s Door puzzleTo open the Slytherin’s Door in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll need to use a fire spell like Incendio or Confringo to light all three braziers in the hallway near the door. This needs to be done fast and in quick succession. We recommend starting ...
given the sheer size of Hogwarts Castle and its many hidden secrets, finding the key and figuring out which lock it fits can be tricky. Some fans may already have been clued in by the Key
The world ofHogwarts Legacyis full of magic, wonder, and puzzles. Between attending classes, completing quests, and exploring the world around you, there are a ton of puzzles to solve for various rewards. One of the more difficult puzzles can be found in the Bell Tower Wing in Hogwarts. I...
Rather than break your wand in frustration, here's how to start and solve the Herodiana Halls sidequest in Hogwarts Legacy.
In Hogwarts Legacy, where is the Owl Bell Tower? The Bell Tower Wing of Hogwarts is where the Owl Bell Tower is situated. The All’s Well That Ends Bell side quest requires you to complete the Bell Tower Puzzle, but you can complete it whenever you like. ...
Among the many secrets ofHogwarts Legacyare different complex puzzles that players can complete for rewards. The bridge puzzle on the Library Annex bridge is an especially bountiful one to complete, but it’s also one that took a little extra brainpower for me to solve. ...
How to pick locks in Hogwarts Legacy As already stated, there are different types of locks that you need to pick in the game. You can consider them as mini puzzles to solve. You will start a mini-game with two rotating dials when you cast Alohomora on a locked chest or door. These ...
Hogwarts Legacy door puzzles: Where and how to unlock Hogwarts Legacy Merlin trials: All nine spell puzzle styles Hogwarts Legacy clock tower: Open all the doors Hogwarts Legacy torch puzzle: Solve the viaduct bridge Hogwarts Legacy locked doors: How to get Alohomora PC Gamer The collective PC...
After clearing the camp, use the Reveliospell inHogwarts Legacyto discover some hidden clues. The protagonists will eventually stumble uponRowland Oakes’s JournalandRowland Oakes’s Map, hinting at the location of the trade. Solve The Map Puzzle ...