The 3x3x4 is a fully functional 4 layered Rubik's Cube. The pieces have the same size like a 3x3x3 but there's an extra layer.
48:11 How to Solve Crazy Unicorn Venus 2022-03-28 58:29 How to Solve Crazy Unicorn Neptune version 1 [three 0 faces around a non-turnab 2022-03-28 21:35 Puzzle Time Ep 119 delves into the NEW Honey Hive and Grave Raven burrs 2022-03-28 35:24 The HARDEST 3D Printed Puzzle In Th...
This is the guide I wish I had when I first started learning how to solve a classic 3x3 Rubik’s cube. Common Myths ❌ You need a high IQ ❌ You need to be good at maths ❌ You need to solve one side at a time ❌ You will never be able to solve a Rubik’s cube ...
Solve the white face of the Rubik's Cube. Use a trick to fix the second layer. Fix the yellow edges. Position and orient the remaining corners. Don't worry, this is not cheating. 99.9% can't solve the 3x3 cube puzzle (Rubik's Cube®) without help ;) ...
Solve the white face of the Rubik's Cube. Use a trick to fix the second layer. Fix the yellow edges. Position and orient the remaining corners. Don't worry, this is not cheating. 99.9% can't solve the 3x3 cube puzzle (Rubik's Cube®) without help ;) ...
第一期:魔方教学 最简单的还原 3x3 三阶魔方- Only 7 Steps / Easiest Way to Solve Rubik’s Cube 1264 0 00:32 App 这种PLL丝滑简单做法(两种指法) 699 4 05:25 App 第二期:忍者神龟 - TMNT-牛头/犀牛人-Rocksteady(1988) 113 0 03:29 App 第19期:魔方测评 V-Cube 5x5 希腊魔方 Unboxing V...
第一期:魔方教学 最简单的还原 3x3 三阶魔方- Only 7 Steps / Easiest Way to Solve Rubik’s Cube 323 0 05:32 App 第八期:如何还原 齿轮球形 魔方 How to Solve Meffert Gear Ball Tutorial 158 0 03:51 App 第44期:魔方测评 XXL超大 齿轮魔方 Unboxing Meffert XXL Gear Cube Review 126 0 05...
How To Solve 2×2 Rubik’s Cube: So Easy A 3 Year Old Can Do It: 2×2 3y/o BM 2×2 Cube Intermediate Method The Rubik’s Cube instructions below are meant as a supplement and reference for the tutorial video above. Without watching the video the instr...
AI Solver / Teacher For a 3x3 Opitas Inc. Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Tired not not knowing how to solve a cube? Want to learn right now? Download this app and enjoy! What’s New 16 Oct 2024 Version 1.6.2 Bug fixes and performance improvements, always working to improve you...
Learn how to solve the 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube easily and fastly. Even if you don't know how to solve the classic 3x3 cube. It is much easier though!