The 3x3x4 is a fully functional 4 layered Rubik's Cube. The pieces have the same size like a 3x3x3 but there's an extra layer.
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So you've gone through the beginner's method a few times, and maybe you can solve the cube unaided every time. Maybe you're even getting pretty good, and can consistently do it in under 2 minutes. But now you're hooked. You aren't satisfied with people standing around for 2 minutes...
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Speedsolving the Rubik's Cube | IntroThe most popular Speedsolving method is the CFOP (Cross, First 2 layers, Orientation of last layer, Permutation of last layer) a.k.a Fridrich Method. Unlike The beginner's method, the Speedsolving method focuses mainly about solving the Rubik's cube in ...
Knowing how to solve the cube is an amazing skill and it's not so hard to learn if you are patient. You'll realize that you don't have to be a genius to get it…
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