哪怕是几十块钱的便宜厨刀,只要磨法得当,完全可以媲美上千的高端厨刀 (在刀刃变钝之前大概能够媲美好几个小时呢) 厨刀的种类实在太多,我们也只能介绍最普遍的一种:两面开刃的西式主厨刀 Chef's Knife 小伙伴们有什么磨刀和厨具方面的分享,欢迎私信骚扰~ 展开更多...
11 New Year's Resolutions for Old House Owners Presented by Ford F-150 Is This Unknown Middle Eastern Highway the World's Best Driving Road? Popular Mechanics + Ford F-150 10 Ways to Get Workwear into Your Everyday Wardrobe Popular Mechanics + Ford F-150 ...
How to know if your knife needs sharpening Getty You may already be struggling to cut certain foods, but Chef Franqueza has an easy at-home test that you can take: “For the home cook, a tell-tale sign that it’s time to sharpen your knife is when you cannot easily cut a tomato,”...
1. Put steel vertically on a counter top or non slip surface, gripping firmly. To sharpen any sized knife, put bottom, ‘heel’, of knife against one edge of steel. Position knife at an acute angle, roughly between 20-30°. 2. Glide knife down steel in one smooth stroke, pulling ...
Estimated time: 10 to 15 minutes Deep Clean Don a pair of kitchen (or disposable) gloves and start by giving your grates a scrape with your grill brush. Lift them up, and if there’s anything left, use a metal scraper or metal putty knife to remove it. If you notice flakes of ...