For multi-core debugging, the A53 core is running an executable which also contains the SPT code. The A53 code will make a call into the SPT to load the SPT code to memory and to start the SPT execution. So the A53 must be started first. The EVB settings are irreleva...
A. When a BIOS detects a USB drive, it will interrogate the drive to try to determine how to treat the device (i.e. should it pretend it is a floppy drive or a ZIP drive or a hard disk, how many sectors per track and heads per cylinder does it have). So it matters how you p...
Ensure that you are using the correct collation for your product. The following examples use the collation ofLatin1_General_CI_AI. The collation required by your application version may be different. See the "Setup Guides for Microsoft SQL Server" section above for more information about ...
HOWTO: Setup S32V234 EVB for debugging with S32DS for Vision and Linux BSP Using GDB Server Monitor Commands from Eclipse GDB Console HOWTO Build a Project and Setup Debugging with GDB PEMicro Debugging Interface HOWTO: Setup static IP address for S32 debug probe ...
So the BIOS has to translate this CHS 'address' into a Logical Block Address (LBA). But how does it know how many sectors are in a track (SPT) or how many tracks are in a cylinder (HPC)? One common method is to look at the Ending Head and Sector values in the partition table ...
Subsequently switch form the easy to the advanced ASUS BIOS Setup mode by pressing F7. I use all optimized BIOS settings (OoB, no OC yet) despite a few changes listed in detail below: 1.) /AI Tweaker/ a.) ASUS MultiCore Enhancement: Auto [optional "Disabled", see important ...
Press theHomebutton and select “Setup” then select “Maintenance.” Select “Printhead Nozzle Check“ Your printer will produce a page with four colored grids designed to illustrate which nozzles are blocked (and which are not). If no gaps are present, select done. ...
If you are happy with your tree setup, it is time to roughen the map up! Forests are not a kept lawn and clean path, so you can go back and make your path more patchy and add rubble, grass, dirt and other smaller details in: ...
DHCPD setup BIND setup Enabling the firewall Epilogue Q and A WAP setup suggestadditional howtos Intro A hot item on the market nowadays is the "all-in-one" router+WAP+switch. This allows one to split a net connection across a number of computers. However, I've used these with less ...
A schematic of the model setup, along with the static pressure and temperature at the inlet, is shown above. Based on the inlet conditions and airfoil chord length, the Reynolds number is found to be greater than 3 x 105, indicating that the flow is in the turbulent regime. Therefore, th...