Debugging SPT is only conducted through the multi-core method. The SPT executable is included within A53 executable, the A53 application loads the SPT executable to the SPT core and both A53 and SPT core are available for debugging. The debug connection is made to the two cor...
you can try installing grub4dos. Use RMPrepUSB and click the ‘Install grub4dos’ button (after correctly re-formatting the USB drive using RMPrepUSB – of course). All you need on the USB drive is thegrldrfile which RMPrepUSB will copy across for you automatically. Now try to boot from the...
So the BIOS has to translate this CHS 'address' into a Logical Block Address (LBA). But how does it know how many sectors are in a track (SPT) or how many tracks are in a cylinder (HPC)? One common method is to look at the Ending Head and Sector values in the partition table ...
The result is as attached file. SPT_test_log.txt 3 KB 0 Kudos Reply 11-29-2024 05:24 AM 2,317 Views liborukropec NXP Employee Hi, could you install these packages as it is documented in the User Guide, chapter 4.4. Linux? sudo apt ins...
by LIBRSU must start at the location of the SPT0, in order for LIBRSU to be able todetermine the flash partitioning information" here ; does this mean that in the device tree, it is not enough to describe the QSPI flash start location and we have to jump over the "BOO...
No you are ready to go….! How to Connect Gns3 to VirtualBox VMs VMs acts as virtual network client for GNS3 network topology.The step by step procedure to connect GNS3 to VirtualBox as follows. Step 1: Setting up of VMs Make sure you installed VirtualBox VMs, for me I have 4 VM...
In my default installation of CentOS 7 I already have the iptables package installed which can be used to run the iptables command, however we also need to install iptables-services in order to have iptables start automatically on system boot. ...
Our Partner Account is a product which lets you purchase cloud resources such as RAM, Disk, IPs and Cores and lets you resell these resources to your customers via WHMCS or other billing panel of your choice. This platform also gives your end user an intuitive white labelled VPS control pane...
TTL: The packet TTL, or time to live. How long it will bounce between routers until it expires, if no destination is found. PROTO: The packet’s protocol SPT: The source port of the package DPT: The destination port of the package WINDOW: The size of the packet the sender can receive...
To me complete image means an image containing of keyblob, FCB, etc. In other words an image containing some 4KB between 0x30000000 and 0x30000FFF. If I understand correctly, using SPT (and thus the underlying SDSDK) a file is produced that is missing the firs...