cd ~/klipper make menuconfig Use these settings to compile the firmware. Once set, hit 'Q' and when asked, select yes to save. Type make to compile. Disconnect power to Eddy Push and hold boot button on Eddy (Its next to where the cable plugs in) and at the same time, plug in...
Once you enter it in your G-code terminal, it’s the firmware of your 3D printer that will recognize it and know what to do. In this case, it will set the target temperature for the hot end to 200°C. That was just a basic explanation, but the firmware, in truth, is capable of...
SDT version of OrCAD (IV & 386+). When opening '*.sch' files OrCAD expects to see the config file "SDT.cfg" in either the same directory as the schematic or the directories set by environment variables such as 'ORCADPROJ' in the autoexec.bat - created by the installation of OrCAD ...