# Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed) SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 # Home the printer G28 # Move the nozzle to the front G1 X60 Y0 F3000 # Wait for bed to reach temperature M190 S{BED_TEMP} # Move the bed close to nozzle G1 Z30 F3000 # Set and wait for nozz...
G90 # Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed) SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 # Home the printer G28 # G1 X10 Y50 Z0.2 F3000 # 避开夹子 G1 Y60 F3000 G1 X10 Z0.2 F3000 G92 E0 G1 Y130 E10 F225 G92 E0 [gcode_macro END_PRINT] gcode: # Turn off bed, extruder, and...
SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.100 MOVE=1 # Adjust z-height SET_SERVO SERVO=extruder_servo angle=100 # Position second extruder SET_GCODE_OFFSET X=5 # Account for different X offset ACTIVATE_EXTRUDER EXTRUDER=extruder1 # Servo definition [servo extruder_servo] pin: ar7...
#4Z调平采集点坐标设置(300机型) points: 25,25 25,250 275,250 275,25 # 4Z调平的速度 speed: 200 #4Z调平时,Z的起始高度 horizontal_move_z: 25 #采样失败重试次数 retries: 3 #采样公差 retry_tolerance: 0.02 #采样时Z的最大行程 max_adjust: 10 ### # Macros Gcode宏 ### [gcode_...
[tmc2208 stepper_z] uart_pin: PC15#microsteps: 16interpolate: True run_current:0.9hold_current:0.7sense_resistor:0.110stealthchop_threshold:200###Z1轴设置###[stepper_z1]#Z1电机脉冲引脚设置step_pin: PE6#Z1电机方向引脚设置,可以通过添或删除引脚前面的!来改变电机的运转方向dir_pin: PC13#Z...
self.z_homing = None self.last_state = False self.last_z_offset = 0.self.position_z_endstop = None self.config = config self.printer = config.get_printer() self.switch_offset = config.getfloat('switch_offset', None, above=0.) ...
that means the sensor is mounted too high and needs to be remounted closer to the bed, the recommend value of first data is around 100. also make sure that the value of second data is greater than the first data by more than 10, else adjust the height of z and do calibarte again....
If you need a Bootloader for some reason, you probably know how to adjust things yourself. The menuconfig config file used in the script is ./.config_stm32f401. cd ~/klipper ./flash.sh restart klipper (or skip and continue with moonraker update) sudo systemctl restart klipper How ...
horizontal_move_z: 10 retries: 5 retry_tolerance: 0.0075 max_adjust: 10 ### # Displays ### #--- [display] # mini12864 LCD Display
## In Z+ position ## If your probe is NC instead of NO, add change pin to ^PA3 pin: ^!PA3 x_offset: 0 y_offset: 25.0 z_offset: 0 speed: 10.0 samples: 3 samples_result: median sample_retract_dist: 3.0 samples_tolerance: 0.006 samples_tolerance_retries: 3 ##...