My article “Linux Amazon EC2 tutorial: How to set up an EC2 instance” shows you how to set up Amazon Web Services’ compute service if you use Linux (specifically, Ubuntu Linux). But what if you are a Microsoft Windows shop? That’s what this article explains....
In AWS, this task can be handled with a CloudWatch alarm. When set to monitor a specific metric, CloudWatch notifies you if that metric goes above a certain threshold. Let's look at what the different CloudWatch alarms do, when to use them and how to set one up on anEC2 ins...
Before users can create an EC2 instance, they need to have several resources already created. Reference theGet-commands to retrieve the appropriate IDs. Creating the minimum setup to deploy and access an EC2 instance requires aVPCwith a subnet, some other networking components and the EC2 instan...
Steps To Transfer AWS EC2 From One Account To Another Log in to the AWS console of the account from which you want to move the instance, and navigate to the "Instances" pane. Right-click on the instance to be moved and choose "Create Image (EBS AMI)". Once done, you will receive a...
In this post I’m going to show what could be considered a “hello world” of Ansible + AWS, using Ansible to launch an EC2 instance. Aside from the time required to set up an AWS account and install Ansible, you should be able to get your EC2 instance running in 20 minutes or less...
Amazon EC2 instances can be backed up in more than one way. The approach you take on how to back up Amazon EC2 instance should reflect your needs: Whether you require an automated backup solution, how quickly you need to be able to restore an instance during an emergency and how much dat...
ssh -l ec2-user -i .\ec2key.pem46.123.23.231-v -N -L localhost:9405: Naturally is the public IP of the EC2-instance. is the internal IP of the EC2-instance in my VPC. I can successfully connect via ssh to the instance using ...
Before the EC2 instance is launched, you will be prompted to choose an existing key pair. Since we have already created one at the beginning, simply choose it (e.g.,xmodulo) and launch the instance. Once the EC2 instance is up and running, the instance status will be changed torunning...
Having installed ipython on my Amazon Web Services EC2 instance, I am trying to run a public server for the iPython HTML notebook by following instructions found here: ('Quick Howto: running a public ...
But AWS provides you an option to buy more credits, you can configure this option on the AWS EC2 instance configuration page. Log in to the AWS management console and go to the instances list page, select the EC2 instance by checking the checkbox before the EC2 instance. ...