EC2 has changed quite a bit in the last five years, so whether you are new to EC2 or an old hand, it’s worth a look at how to launch your own EC2 instances today
In AWS, this task can be handled with a CloudWatch alarm. When set to monitor a specific metric, CloudWatch notifies you if that metric goes above a certain threshold. Let's look at what the different CloudWatch alarms do, when to use them and how to set one up on anEC2 ins...
An EC2 instance is a virtual server deployed in the AWS cloud. The first server-specific configuration to choose is the Amazon Machine Image (AMI), a base server image stored in the cloud as shown in Figure 3. It contains the OS, preinstalled software and data included in the EC2 ...
69 How to view all the services running on AWS? 5 AWS CLI: Retrieve list of running EC2 instance types 0 AWS list instances that are pending and running with one CLI call Hot Network Questions How to attribute which parts of the code are authored by someone else? T...
Although this post primarily uses AWS, these steps can easily be replicated on any VPS hosting service like Linode. Creating an EC2 Instance Once you are verified and logged in, proceed to the EC2 service in theAWS Management Consoleand from theEC2 Dashboardclick theLaunch Instancebutton. Follow...
In this post I’m going to show what could be considered a “hello world” of Ansible + AWS, using Ansible to launch an EC2 instance. Aside from the time required to set up an AWS account and install Ansible, you should be able to get your EC2 instance running in 20 minutes or less...
Monitoring server to all servers .. and more Let’s take an example of a Webserver to Database server connection to show how to connect two ec2 instances. Step 1 – Find the security group name of both servers Every instance will have a Security Group assigned by default, which is called...
本文摘自: Amazon EC2 instances can be backed up in more than one way. The approach you take on how to back up Amazon EC2 instance should reflect your needs: Whether you require an automated backup solution, how quickly you need...
That’s one of the most common questions I hear from EC2 users. And it’s one question for which I have the most annoying answer of all:“It depends." It’s an annoying answer because it doesn’t offer an immediate solution. Finding the right AWS infrastructure is not an easy task; ...
ssh -l ec2-user -i .\ec2key.pem46.123.23.231-v -N -L localhost:9405: Naturally is the public IP of the EC2-instance. is the internal IP of the EC2-instance in my VPC. I can successfully connect via ssh to the instance using ...